A Barry-Wehmiller Company

Executive Coaching & Leadership Consulting

In today’s increasingly competitive, fast-paced and often chaotic business environment, organizational change and success depend on effective leadership. That’s why it’s essential to have people who can articulate a vision, collaborate and communicate effectively, and draw out the full potential of those they lead.

Effective leaders are key to gaining a competitive edge. One way companies develop high potentials and better leaders is through executive coaching. Chapman & Co. Leadership Institute has Ph.D. consultants with years of experience to work one-on-one with your business leaders and help them take their performance to the next level.

Executive Coaching Services

Our proven executive coaching process accelerates the development of your senior leaders, providing a strong ROI for their current role, or as they prepare to take on greater leadership challenges within the organization. Our process includes:

Executive Assessments

The coaching experience begins with a thorough assessment of the senior executive’s capabilities through our in-depth assessment process, interviews, 360-degree feedback, a pre-coaching survey, or a combination of tools. Our personality assessments create a foundational self-awareness, which is critical for personal growth.

Growth Plan

After initial assessment, we chart a development plan customized to the specific needs of that executive and documented in our Growth Planning Guide. Organizational alignment and sponsorship are developed through touch points with the executive’s boss or sponsor, who is also enlisted into the leadership coaching process to help provide course correction and encouragement in the work setting.

Ongoing Engagement

The six- to twelve-month executive leadership coaching engagement uses the latest research to help drive truly impactful growth and behavior change. We work with executives to embrace new experiences (as we know that the most impactful learning happens through doing), adopt a deliberate “practice and reflection” technique, learn from others, embrace emotional intelligence, and foster a growth mindset.

Post-coaching analysis

We end our executive coaching program with a post-coaching survey to measure the level of change in skillsets or derailers.

Unlock Potential with Executive Leadership Coaching

Improve Communication Skills

Effective communication skills are the bedrock of great leadership. It’s a crucial skill because of the many key stakeholders an executive must interact with daily. Our leadership coaches can help executives improve their communication with everyone throughout their entire organization.

Another big aspect of improving communication is improving emotional intelligence. By better understanding how team members function emotionally, their communication will improve as a result.

Improve Retention

Coaching leaders on how to succeed in the workplace will make them more likely to stay in their position at your company. Keeping retention high also saves recruitment and training costs.

General Performance Improvement

Everybody has blind spots, whether leading a company or part of a team. Coaching sessions can help leaders improve in the competencies needed for success. A good coaching relationship can help executives identify where they need to improve, and to create an action plan tailored to their needs. After professional coaching, executives will see drastic improvements and positive behavior changes.

Help with Self-Awareness

Certified coaches can bring a different perspective to leaders and help them with self-assessment and reflection. It helps executives gain a better understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, values, and motivations. A heightened self-awareness produces more effective decision-making and successful business interactions.

Conflict Resolution Guidance

All leaders and executives deal with conflict daily. Coaching works to help executives develop better conflict management skills. This can foster a constructive working environment and can help maintain and boost team morale.

Career and Continual Growth

Executive coaching is professional development that can help a career trajectory. Improved leadership skills and increased self-confidence can lead to new opportunities and promotions. Coaching can help foster a continuous learning and growth mindset. Executives should seek ongoing development and refine their skills over time.

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