A Barry-Wehmiller Company

Assessment FAQ

Getting Started

About The Assessments


Completing The Assessments

Interviewing With A Consultant

Getting Started

I didn’t know I was supposed to do this. What’s this all about?

The company you work for (or are applying to work for) has asked you to complete an assessment process with us (Chapman & Co.). The assessments are all online at our testing website; you’ll be working independently. We will be notified when you’ve completed all the tests and one of our consultants will contact the company.

Where do I start?

  1. You will receive an email with a link to the assessment website on behalf of Chapman & Co.
  2. The link will step you through setting up your account and log you in.
  3. Click Start on the first item: “START HERE: Preparing for your assessments”

If I click “START,” will the test begin right away?

No, each assessment will give you some information about the test and show you some sample questions before you begin the actual test.

What is the purpose of these assessments I’ve been asked to take?

For potential new hires: The assessments are only one piece of a larger hiring process. Corporate culture varies widely; the goal is to make a good match between you and the hiring company.

For current employees: The assessments are designed to maximize your potential for success in your current role and beyond.

I never received the email to register on the testing website. What should I do?

If you haven’t received the email within 24 hours of being contacted by Chapman & Co., first check your junk mail. If it’s not there, call or email us to have it resent. Contact Chapman & Co. by email: testing@ccoleadership.com.

Phone: 314-993-8008 (M-F, 8 am - 5 pm US – CT)

After-hours Phone: 314-624-5401 (US – CT)

How do I get to the testing website?

New users should find their email with “Login for your assessments” in the subject line and follow the instructions to set up their account. Returning users may visit our site here.

Is there a deadline for completion?

In general, we recommend completing all assessments as soon as possible. If the company has a deadline, they should let you know.

About the Assessments

What kind of assessments will I be taking?

Unlike school “tests” which measure your knowledge in a subject area, you will be completing a variety of assessments that measure general problem-solving and work-related personality characteristics.

Can I study?

No, these are not the types of assessments you can or need to study for. Get a good night’s rest, relax, and be yourself.

Are any of these assessments timed?

Yes, in most cases, everyone will have at least one timed assessment. Clicking ‘START’ will provide information for each assessment before you start the actual test.

How long will it take?

Plan for 30-40 minutes for each assessment. The total time to complete these assessments may range from 1.5 to 4 hours based on the number of assessments and individual work rates.

Can I take breaks?

Yes. You do not need to complete all tests in one session. Feel free to do some and take a break between assessments, or wait until later.

Are these assessments in English? I speak another language.

Most assessments are available in a variety of languages and allow you to choose the one you prefer. It is to your advantage to choose the language in which you read and think most quickly, not the language you will be asked to use on the job. If you cannot change the language yourself, Chapman & Co. can help you: email us at testing@ccoleadership.com.

Phone: 314-993-8008 (M-F, 8 am - 5 pm US – CT)

After-hours Phone: 314-624-5401 (US – CT)

How should I prepare my environment? What supplies should I have?

  1. You will need a laptop OR desktop computer with a mouse and a stable Internet connection. Some assessments are not compatible with mobile devices.
  2. Turn off your cell phone while working and find a quiet place with no distractions.
  3. Have scratch paper, pencils, and a simple calculator handy.

Why do I have to go to another website for some of my tests?

We want you to have the best testing experience possible, and sometimes that means redirecting you to a test publisher’s website.


I had a problem with my Internet connection during a timed assessment–what should I do?

Contact Chapman & Co. at testing@ccoleadership.com to let us know about your problem, and we’ll help you find a solution.

The webpage looks blank—nothing is happening. What should I do?

  1. You may need to enable pop-ups and then refresh the webpage.
  2. Try another internet browser such as Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.
  3. A slow internet connection may keep the web pages from displaying properly as well.

I’ve finished an assessment, but the Task List still says it’s “In Progress.” What’s happening?

Click the ‘START’ button to make sure there is nothing left to do (i.e. clicking ‘FINISH’). This may happen if you were redirected to another site.

I’ve finished all the assessments, but the Task List still says they are “In Progress.” What do I do?

Reload the page by refreshing the webpage or logging out and back in again to see if it updates.

I can’t remember my password to the testing website. How do I find it?

On the login screen, click the ‘Forgot Password?’ link.

I can’t remember my username for the testing website. How do I find it?

Contact Chapman & Co. to verify your username at testing@ccoleadership.com

Phone: 314-993-8008 (M-F, 8 am - 5 pm US – CT)

After-hours Phone: 314-624-5401 (US – CT)

The next assessment is unavailable right now. How long will it be unavailable?

Assessments are sometimes unavailable for periodic maintenance, which may only be a few minutes or a few hours. If one is unavailable, skip it and do another assessment. You may come back to it at a later time.

I’ve tried everything but it’s still not working. Who should I contact?

Contact Chapman & Co. by email: testing@ccoleadership.com

Phone: 314-993-8008 (M-F, 8 am - 5 pm US – CT)

After-hours Phone: 314-624-5401 (US – CT)

Completing the Assessments

What happens after I’m done?

When you complete the last assessment, there is nothing further for you to do. Chapman & Co. will send the results to the company for their consideration within a few days of completion. You will be contacted by the company directly (or through your recruiter) to know your next step in the application/development process.

Can I fail these tests?

No. The assessments are not “pass/fail” and are only one part of the hiring process. They help the hiring company better understand how well you will fit this position and the company culture. For current employees, these assessments help you and your company understand how to benefit from your natural strengths and define areas to be developed.

Can I get the results of my assessments?

Chapman & Co. will only share your results with the Employer’s designated Representative, vendors under contract with us, and as required by law. Further information on how Chapman & Co. processes data can be found in the Organizational Culture Surveys and Talent Management Normative Database Privacy Notice. The utilization of the results and any further distribution by the Employer, either to you (the candidate/employee) or others at the Employer, will be at the discretion of the Representative acting within the Employer’s data-handling policies and any applicable privacy laws.

Interviewing with a Consultant

My first email said I have to interview with one of your consultants—why?

Some people are taken through a more in-depth assessment process which includes an interview with our consultant in addition to completing the assessments.

What will we talk about?

The interview includes general questions about your work and life history, competencies, and experiences but does not include questions about your technical knowledge. To prepare for this interview, make sure you are well rested, have no distractions, and have a reliable device and connection for the call.

How long will the interview last?

Plan for a 90-minute meeting with the consultant.

I don’t have a web camera. Can we just talk by phone?

We prefer to do a video conference whenever possible. We use a platform called Microsoft Teams which requires a web camera. Microsoft Teams can be downloaded onto your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

How should I dress?

Business casual attire is recommended.

How do I schedule the interview?

Look for and reply to the first email you received from Chapman & Co. or contact us directly at testing@ccoleadership.com

Phone: 314-993-8008 (M-F, 8 am - 5 pm US – CT)

After-hours Phone: 314-624-5401 (US – CT)

Can I schedule an interview in the evening or on a weekend?

Our evening/weekend meeting times are generally reserved for non-US-based candidate interviews. If you are having trouble finding an opening in your schedule, please email or call our office to discuss: testing@ccoleadership.com

Phone: 314-993-8008 (M-F, 8 am - 5 pm US – CT)

After-hours Phone: 314-624-5401 (US – CT)

Should I wait to schedule the interview until I’ve finished the assessments?

No, the consultants’ calendars fill quickly, and we prefer to get interviews scheduled as soon as possible.

Do I have to complete all the assessments before the interview date?

If possible, completing the assessments is preferred but not required.